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News on Super Tutor Mr. Phang & his Super Students
Tel: 62756800

There are 4 types of tutors:
(1) The majority,
(2) Intellectuals like Mr. Phang's father Prof. Phang who do not like to boast,
(3) Teachers-turned-tutors boasting about their students' alma mater,
(4) Mr. Phang boasting about his equally newsworthy private tuition students.


Martin Koh (NUS High) First Prize National STEM Talent Search (NSTS) 2024

Our Parenting World May 2, 2024

Singapore Science & Engineering Fair (SSEF) 2024

MOE Engineering and Tech Programme Scholarship

Channel 8 News July 26, 2023

Martin Koh NUS High School of Math and Science

The Law of Motivation

The Sunday Times November 9, 2014

Raphael Loh, Whitley Secondary School
Click cert: The Only SJPO Silver Medallist from a Neighbourhood School

Creators of Tomorrow CREATE 2010 Winner

The Straits Times December 19, 2009

Quek Keng Yong (Raffles Institution) with Teachers' Day Present Panda (Why is there blood in its mouth? Only Mr. Phang's students will know)

IDA Thinkers Challenge Champion 2015

The Straits Times December 16, 2015

Lim Zinn-E (Raffles Institution) left

Space Dreams

The Straits Times March 26, 2018

Paul Seow (NUS High) - First Student on Left - The Straits Times Mixed Up

Strong Showing by Singapore Students at International Olympiads

MOE Press Release August 15, 2017

Teddy Ong (NUS High) one of 5 Gold Medallists. Singapore was placed joint 1st in a field of 394 student participants from 86 countries

Raffles Schools Take 20 of 21 Top Places

The Straits Times March 1, 2005

Kang Zi Han (Raffles Girls' School) - Last Batch of 11 A1s

President's Scholars 2006

The Straits Times August 11, 2006

Bertram Ang (Raffles Institution) left

He scored straight As

The Straits Times February 22, 2020

Loh Yih Hang (Raffles Institution)

A*Star Talent Search 2009

Gold Awards (Physics)

Chen Hong Jie (National Junior College)

Frontline Programme

MediaCorp Channel 8 October 8, 2010

Ryan Chen explains that he attended Mr. Phang's A-level physics tuition while he was in Sec 4 because physics was his favourite subject

National Science Challenge Finals 2008

MediaCorp Channel 5 October 9, 2008

Ryan Chen (extreme right) supporting the RI team at the 2008 National Science Challenge Finals

National Science Challenge Finals 2008

MediaCorp Channel 5 October 9, 2008

Kang Zi Yang - National Science Challenge Champion

Singapore Ranked First at International Physics Olympiad

Channel News Asia July 19, 2011

Kang Zi Yang (Raffles Institution) - top Singaporean student at IPhO 2011

Tuition in Singapore (Part 1)

Singapore Press Holdings RazerTV September 3, 2010

Full-Time Physics Tutor Phang Yu Hon

Frontline Programme

MediaCorp Channel 8 October 8, 2010

Mr. Phang (Physics Tutor) explains that some Sec 1 students come to learn Sec 3 stuff

Frontline Programme

MediaCorp Channel 8 October 8, 2010

Mr. Phang demonstrating to reporter Ms. Lynne Chee his student Fiona Foo's Teacher's Day present - the Blood-Stained Magical Sword

Singapore Physics Olympiad Champion 2007

The Staits Times January 11, 2008

Fiona Foo (NUS High School) Overall Champion

Super Tutors

The Sunday Times June 15, 2008

GP Tutor Tong Yee; Maths Tutor Celine Loi; Physics Tutor Phang Yu Hon; Maths Tutor Laura Oh; Economics Tutor Anthony Fok

The Millionaire Tutor

The Sunday Times November 9, 2014

Physics Tutor Phang Yu Hon

Super Tutors In Demand

The Straits Times May 23, 2016

Physics Tutor Phang Yu Hon


Shin Min Daily News September 6, 2010

Local Tutor King Phang Yu Hon

Singapore Asia Publishers Video

Mr. Phang's video is not self-created like other tutors, but instead by reputable Singapore Asia Publishers (SAP) Pte Ltd

Click the image above to hear Mr. Phang talk about his book and super students

Tuition centres in Singapore 2022: Phang Yu Hon (physics)

AsiaOne MoneySmart News Jan 16, 2022

Mr. Phang's news are real and NOT advertorials. Click link here: AsiaOne MoneySmart News


Shin Min Daily News September 6, 2010

Local Tutor King Phang Yu Hon


Shin Min Daily News September 6, 2010

Local Tutor King Phang Yu Hon